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VierasTalo commented on a list
The evolution of Kirsten Dunst (45 movies items)

"Here's Kirsten from Anchorman 2: http://www.listal.com/viewimage/6697036"

10 years, 11 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Jesús Franco marathon part IV: Cocktail spécial (25 movies items)

"Vittu Jesus Francon Rififi"

10 years, 11 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
100 favorite horror films (100 movies items)

"Hot damn what a great list!"

11 years ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched in 2014: Jan. & Feb. (20 movies items)

"You know, I already know so bad that I'll be tearing you up for giving The Act of Killing a 3½ and... SPACEBALLS 4½ on the same list. Alas, I'll spare airing my grievances until I've actually seen t"

11 years ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Swing the Music: 10 albums from fellow members (30 music items)

"Höhö. Ei sentään. Ananas nyt on aina. Mut haluaisin kuulla et mikä se oikealla tavalla poliittinen sanoitus sit olisi."

11 years ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Swing the Music: 10 albums from fellow members (30 music items)

"Okei, ei siinä mitään, jos Kimyasta ei pidä, mutta sanot tuossa, että toivoisit hieman poliittisesti lataantuneempia lyriikoita. Esim. Fire tuolla levyllähän käsittelee hyvin suoraan tekovuonn"

11 years ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Swing the Music: 10 albums from fellow members (30 music items)

"Se on ihan hyvä, että sisäinen hipsteri herää kun seuraavana on Kimyaa."

11 years ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Film Journal 2014 (332 movies items)

"Niin. Jaa-a."

11 years, 1 month ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Aesthetix' 365 Nights of Horror: Jan/2014 (closed) (39 movies items)

"This list is really good. Even if you liked the borefest people refer to as Lugosi's Dracula. Also HELL YES DEAD HEAT IS FUN"

11 years, 1 month ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
The Winter of my Discontent : 2014 (20 movies items)

"Eh, Rise of the Planet of the Apes isn't a remake. It pretty much functions as a prequel in sequence with the original series. It's a really fun movie, the best of that series since the original. Albe"

11 years, 1 month ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Watched in 2014 (229 movies items)

""The comic books provide a strong backbone to these films" Siis mitämitä. Eihän tuolla kakkosella ole enää mitään tekemistä Ellisin kolmen lehden sarjiksella? Ainakaan tietääkseni. Korjaa ih"

11 years, 1 month ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Best movies of 2013 (31 movies items)

"I'm totally not voting for this just because I'm on it! Good choices."

11 years, 1 month ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Gaming Disappointments of 2013 (16 games items)

"Resident Evil 6 wasn't released in 2013. Good list though! I'll proper read through it at some point and maybe post something more thoughtful."

11 years, 1 month ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Film Journal 2013 (335 movies items)

"Jos mua ekalla katselukerralla ärsytti näiden viittauksien ja vanhoilla vitsailun teennäisyys, se ärsytys oli täysin tiessään uusintakatselulla. Vika kolmannes soljuu elokuvaan täydellisesti j"

11 years, 1 month ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Watched in 2014 (655 movies items)

"Siis hitto, ajatella nyt että Kauhuhullun takia lähtisi Tykistä! Miehen jututhan vievät teikäläisten arvioita 10-0."

11 years, 2 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Movie Diary 2014 (230 movies items)

"Ei tässä tapauksessa lopputwistiä pilaisi jatkiksen olemassaolo. Se twisti ei ole murhaajan selviäminen, vaan henkilöllisyys, ja, köh köh, sukupuoli. Ja oikeastaan sen ykkösen vika otos on ehk"

11 years, 2 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Aesthetix' 365 Nights of Horror: Jan/2014 (closed) (39 movies items)

"You did spot who directed The Keep, right? That movie is balls-out nuts for a film by Michael friggin' Mann. But glad you liked Inferno! To be honest the only reason I really love it is because it wa"

11 years, 2 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Movies coming out in 2013 I don't want to see (9 movies items)

"The follow-up to this list is now here: http://www.listal.com/list/2013-movies-didnt-want-see"

11 years, 2 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Film Journal 2014 (332 movies items)

"Pormestari iskee silloin kun sitä vähiten odottaa."

11 years, 2 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Movie Diary 2014 (230 movies items)

"Harmillista, että menit sitten katsomaan sen yhden slasherin jatko-osan, jonka ekassa osassa on ehkä elokuvahistorian karmaisevimpia lopputwistejä joka on nyt sitten täysin pilalla."

11 years, 2 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Movies my daughter watched - 2013 (82 movies items)

"This is a sweet list. And the diversity is grand."

11 years, 2 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Aesthetix' 365 Nights of Horror: Jan/2014 (closed) (39 movies items)

"The giraffe is clearly doing things wrong, don't you take his lead. Hellraiser Inferno (the fifth) is such a cool movie. Even though it's so corny by now."

11 years, 2 months ago
VierasTalo commented on a list
Movies I need to watch or rewatch (162 movies items)

"Vote ihan vaan ykkösenä olevan vuoksi."

11 years, 2 months ago