"This list so needs some Prozac Nation in it :D"

"Hoho, perkele, tosiaan, en lukaissut otsikkoa ja mietin että jaa italokauhuja :)"

"Suspiriahan oli nimeltään Tappavat Huokaukset tjsp, voisi sen kenties lisätä listalle :)"

"Abhi, I'm going with Wikipedia here, which claims it to be a remake. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godzilla_(1998_film)"

"Well yeah, but I am not comparing them to the original ones that adamantly that the difference between the two would greatly diminish the value of the remake. Atleast with Halloween they tried somethi"

"A few possible additions: There's a 34 year gap between The Maltese Falcon and The Black Bird. A 33 year gap between National Velvet and International Velvet. A 16 year gap between 2001: A Space Od"

"Toi #48, Chaos, on tämä http://www.listal.com/movie/chaos-2005 eikä tuo Wesley Snipes/Statham-leffa :)"

"Whoa, almost 30 votes! Thanks to everyone who voted, and to those who bothered to read this :)"

"Keen Eddie, the funniest cop show of it's time was cancelled waaay too early. The soundtrack was also changed to crappy music for the DVD release, which was weird. And oh yeah, Dilbert Animated was al"

"Even though I disagree with practically everything on display here, you gotta give a man props for actually making a list this huge."

"The Pest is pretty funny actually. The United States of Germany always cracks me up."