"Oliko Knickin toka kausi yhtä huisia kuin eka? Odotan ehkä BD-julkkaria kun ekakin nyt hyllyssä, mut mut. Se oli niin helvetin hyvä."
"Siis kuinka monta kertaa olet katsonut elokuvan nekrofiliasta viimeisen vuoden aikana"
"Annoin alkuperäiselle puolitoista ja toi on sitä parempi joten koin oikeutetuksi."
"Hyvä kuulla! Siinä musta elokuva, joka tuntuu hyvältä. Onhan siinä ongelmansa. Mutta se herättää fiiliksiä. Hypetetyt jenkkileffat viime vuosina harvemmin onnistuvat siinä."
"Oh, right, for me the recommendations are Netflix US. I might use the Finnish one too but it's basically worthless."
"Recommendations for January: A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence - http://www.listal.com/movie/pigeon-sat-branch-reflecting-existence Look, it's the new Roy Andersson -movie. I don't thin"
"The closest place I can see The Hateful Eight in 70mm is in another country. Finland's only 70mm-capable theater just went into renovation. We're getting the 4K stuff mind you, but eh. I already saw t"
"Neat that you saw Laura on the big screen. It's a pretty film. So, regarding Bond, I haven't seen too much, but I recently listened to the A View to a Kill -episode of the How Did This Get Made? -podc"
"Man, we could not be at more polar opposites on the subjects of Cooties and Grabbers. Though I conceptually appreciate both (and with Cooties the writing is pretty top-notch as well as the acting), bo"
"Red Room: http://www.listal.com/movie/akai-misshitsu Red Room 2: http://www.listal.com/movie/shin-akai-misshitsu"
"So yeah, I totally agree that the actors are what make the first two Maniac Cop movies so great. Bruce Campbell, Tom Atkins, Robert Z'Dar's chin, Robert Davi... And the fact that for a slasher they're"
"Ehkä Roccon kannattaisi mieluummin kuluttaa aikaansa lukemalla uutisia JARI BULL MENTULAsta koska se on hyvää ajanviettoa."
"I really ought to watch Book of Life. It's been on the shelf forever at this point. Creep was something I meant to recommend for the Instant Project but unsurprisingly forgot to do."