VierasTalo added 1 item to Film Journal 2018 list
I like things in Nails. But it hinders the somewhat interesting psychological story that's going on inside the protagonist's head by adding a literal ghost to the hospital she's staying in. The premise is fruitful for psychological horror, but Nails is satisfied being a very run-of-the-mill spookathon.
6 years, 9 months ago
VierasTalo added 1 item to Film Journal 2018 list
I should've gone into this expecting a Michael Bay produced film rather than a horror movie built around sound design. From the opening moments it's fairly clear that this isn't the nail-biting horror experience one might expect, but rather a lighter, more studio-like action horror thing. It's still fun, mind you, but expecting to be tearing my hair out due to the excitement, only to find a fairly well put together high concept film, I was a bit bummed. As such, I feel like the tightrope A Quiet Place perilously balances over, between being a silly creature feature studio horror in 2018, and being a high concept sound design circle jerk, is a bit too much for the film to bear, as it never really dips into either enough, until the very ending, which I loved, because it was indeed very silly.
6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 1 item to VT's episodemeter list
Episodes: 4
Seasons: 1
A good short doc series about a weird bank robbery. Better than that mediocre comedy they made out of it. Kind of wish it was just a feature length film instead. The structure is a bit weird since it's clearly ordered to episodes by topic.
6 years, 10 months ago
6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 1 item to Film Journal 2018 list
Denise Richards loses her boyfriend Paul Walker to a maul-happy lion, and his body is scammed into a ploy to implant a brain into an animatronic dinosaur body, who then escapes to have a happy relationship with Denise.
What I describe above is nowhere near the weirdest stuff in this majestic comedy.
6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 1 item to Film Journal 2018 list
This concept of doing a narrative in medias res with this movie is kind of terrible because it's soooort of relatively high-concept so we have to be explained about the ghosts in this The Lodgers -house that The Lodgers live in to keep away said ghosts. It's a burden the movie never really overcomes, as it's central conflicts are about running away from the high concept or not wanting to speak to real estate agent. If you're terrified of due bills, this movie might just spook you!
6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 4 items to their collection
6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 1 item to Film Journal 2018 list
Excellent performances that are somewhat devoid of the extremely fast, snappy dialogue Iannucci is renown for, as The Death of Stalin attempts to walk a tightrope of not only creating a political farce but also construct a believable retelling of actual events while manipulating them to create a very tragic, murder-filled tableau of the Soviet Union. It goes too far in tampering with truth in the latter part, creating a somewhat macabre visage that often feels like it's rubbing your face in the misery and wanton executions just for the sake of it. When it doesn't do that, such as most of the latter half of the film, it is very funny.
6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 1 item to Film Journal 2018 list
I don't like Zack Snyder movies.
Even I can see this movie needs him.
I don't know and certainly don't care about how it came to this. Whether it was this before Whedon took the reigns after an unfortunate tragedy or not. I care about what we have.
And what we have, people, is a hot mess. But it isn't too hot. No, this isn't a mess you fry an egg on top off in the desert. This is the warmth of milk you forgot to put to the fridge and has now been sitting on a table for eight hours, six of it in the sun. It's an uncomfortable, somewhat gross warmth. Touching it just feels wrong. Yet, it's still milk. The most boring sustenance one could have. It's the "image most people have of Superman" of nutrients.
And mostly it's because this is just such a ridiculously by-the-numbers boring action movie. The plot is basically just a western on a larger scale. A bad guy comes to town to mess it up, the good guys team up and fight the bad guy. Little attention is given to said bad guy, but the team has all sorts of problems! One dude doesn't want to lead (because he's angsty which is always a fun trait for the character we spend most of a supposedly-fun superhero movie with), one lady doesn't want to be there (even though after her film being the only good movie in this entire franchise she's the single person we would absolutely want to be there), two dudes are there to make jokes (which are not funny because they're all old jokes or obvious first drafts), and one dude knows everything (which is ironic since even after this film we know basically nothing about him). Then they have to go to another village to recruit the most reclusive of the ronin, a dead one, and then they can go save the day with his reluctant leadership (because a deus ex machina totally isn't that if you introduce it in a prior scene, right).
Nowhere is the uninspired, utterly devoid-of-original-thought nature of Justice League more visible than when you look at it. It's a Joss Whedon movie so it's all image-counterimage (with one or the other often being a shot featuring Gal Gadot's buttocks because Whedon is a creep) except when action occurs when everything is shot so we see the very tip of the characters heads and just below their knees at all times. Stefan Sonnenfeld, the man who colored most Zack Snyder films, is credited as the colorist here, but you would never believe it. Every scene in Justice League looks as flat as most scenes in The Avengers, shot in a pale sunlight that casts everyone in an unflattering light. The Gotham-scenes are the only parts where it looks somewhat textured and that's only because they're the only parts in the entire movie where it's dark.
With a film this boring to look at, this boring to listen to, and this boring to experience, even I, a person who could literally not give less of a shit about the fate of any mass-conglomerates hit franchise making money or being succesful, craves for what could have been under better circumstance.
6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 1 item to Film Journal 2018 list
They did a good job
at turning a beloved children's character into an edgelord ranting against PC culture.
One star for everything that happened in this movie that didn't feature CGI animals because Domhnall Gleeson and Rose Byrne being a cute couple is great.
6 years, 10 months ago
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6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 23 items to their collection
6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 1 item to Film Journal 2018 list
There is some deal to enjoy in Three Billboards, but whenever you find yourself enjoying it, it's almost bound to shoot itself in the foot afterwards. It's a film equally bullheaded as it is lax. Hard as it is soft. It's a centrist view of the world in a world that currently really, really doesn't appreciate the stance. I don't know if I appreciate the stance either, really. But there is value within it. Three Billboards often feels less like a movie than a catalyst for it's audience to showcase how they feel. And boy howdy does it do that real well as the gazillion think pieces about it show.
6 years, 10 months ago
VierasTalo added 1 item to Film Journal 2018 list
It's fascinating to see this mid-2000s Eastern European drama -motif used to tell the story of a teen rapper in the 1980s and because of that being the style it manages to hop over some uncomfortable biography tropes (while still indulging in several). It showcases a tact you don't expect with hip hop culture showcased in American films. The film doesn't necessarily do anything much to excite but hey, that's kind of cool here.
6 years, 10 months ago